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Navigating The Storm: A Step-by-Step Guide To Preparing For A Cyclone

By Lauren Peters

Tropical cyclones are intense systems of wind and rain that pose a significant threat to both life and property. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the critical steps involved in preparing for a cyclone, and how to best protect your property and loved ones during and after.

Before the Cyclone

  • Stay Informed:

Reference the Cairns Regional Council website and ensure you listen to local radio updates. Ensure you are using a battery-powered radio with spare batteries.

  • Check Your Emergency Kit:

Confirm that your emergency kit is ready and easily accessible.

  • Secure Outdoor Items:

Tie down or pack away all outdoor items and furniture to prevent them from becoming projectiles in high winds.

  • Prepare Your Property:

Cover windows and doors with timber sheeting, and secure your boat or caravan with strong ropes to a dependable anchor point.

  • Fuel and Shelter:

Ensure your vehicle is full of fuel and park it under cover if possible. Evacuate caravans and tents.

  • Power Precautions:

Turn off and unplug all non-essential electrical equipment.

  • Prepare for Evacuation:

Know your evacuation route and have a plan in place. Check on neighbours to ensure they are aware and prepared as well.

  • Pet Emergency Planning:

Include your pets in your evacuation plan. Ensure you have pet food, water, and necessary supplies.

  • Sufficient Water and Food:

Stock up on enough water and non-perishable food to sustain your household for at least three days.

  • Gas Supply:

If applicable, ensure you have an adequate supply of gas for cooking and other essential needs.

  • Secure Loose Items:

Remove or secure items such as shade sails and trampolines to prevent them from causing damage or becoming hazards during strong winds.

During the Cyclone

  • Stay Informed:

Continue to listen to your battery-powered radio for all warnings and advice.

  • Take Shelter:

Shelter in the strongest part of the building, often the bathroom, toilet, or hallway.

  • Beware of the Eye:

Be cautious of the calm eye/center of the cyclone—stay inside!

After the Cyclone

  • Stay Inside:

Remain indoors until officially advised on the radio that the cyclone has passed.

  • Safety First:

Stay clear of fallen power lines, always assuming that they are live. Avoid floodwaters.

  • Electrical Appliance Caution:

Exercise caution with wet electrical appliances.

  • Impacted Smoke Alarms:

Severe weather conditions can affect the functionality of smoke alarms. You can contact Smoke Alarm Solutions 24/7 Emergency Phone Service via 1300 853 612.

By following these steps and staying tuned to local radio stations, you can significantly enhance your preparedness for cyclones. Stay safe, stay informed, and be proactive in safeguarding yourself, your loved ones, and your property during cyclone events.

We do hope that our community is not too affected by the upcoming storm season, though we firmly believe in being well prepared.

Please refer to the following websites for relevant updates and advice:

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